Anti Snoring Device

Anti-Snoring Device – Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Snoring can have a have a significant impact on quality of life, placing unnecessary strain on relationships between bed partners, family and in the workplace. Good news is, Dental on Raffles now have a very effective solution with a Anti Snoring Device!

Key Benefits of Somno Snoring Device

Comfortable for Patients – 88% of patients reported regular use of SomnoDent device¹ – Unique SMH BFlex technology provides unparalleled comfort² – Patients can talk and open / close their mouths and lips while wearing device

High Quality – Manufactured at an ISO 13485 certified facility – Customized using the highest quality acrylic which does not discolor or attract odors – Device life expectancy 3-5 years; and devices have a 3 year warranty against manufacturing defects

Uniquely Compliant– The first and only dorsal fin oral device with micro-recorder that objectively records compliance data – Reports include hours device is worn and patient’s supine or non-supine head position

Clinically Effective – 15 independent studies demonstrate the device’s significant clinical benefits – 91% of patient’s reported improvement in sleep quality with SomnoDent¹

What is the process?

Firstly we have to monitoring your sleep. We have a sleep monitor which we ask the patients to wear for 2 nights. We can then assess how bad your snoring is. You will need to have good teeth with no decay and fillings in good condition.

You will also need to have been seen either by your own dentist or ourselves within the last 3 months for an exam scale and clean, and that all teeth have been restored. Book an appointment [click here]

Snoring Solutions

SomnoDent Flex®

Available at Dental on Raffles: SomnoDent Flex® is just as effective as CPAP in reduced sleep apnea-related high blood pressure SomnoMed AU