Exam & Checkup

Exam and XrayIf this is your first visit to Dental on Raffles we spend time introducing ourselves and let you tell us why you have come to visit us.

We want to know if you have any specific requests, are anxious about getting treatment or concerned about the cost of treatment.

From this information we have a set procedure that we follow:

• Examination of all your oral structures
• We usually take x-rays to help get results
• Make a diagnosis
• Discuss what has been found
• Give you your treatment options
• Relative costs, success rates of treatment
• Discuss treatment time frames
• Decide upon a treatment plan and process

Remember, we are here to help and your input into decision making is most welcome and encouraged. If even making a time to visit us is daunting, you must read our “Care for the Anxious” topic.

COVID-19 Update. Full screening of patients will take place prior to arranging the appointments. Please fill in the online Covid-19 screening form before entering into Dental On Raffles clinic.

If you are a new patient please fill in the online health questionnaire form before your arrival if possible, if not please either email or call us to discuss.